Saturday, 4 March 2017


International women’s day is celebrated on a global platform every year on 8th March. It is a day which came into being to rejoice the unusual power of woman, which she has shown in last few years. The day provides us opportunity to stand together and unite to fight for the violation faced by women around the globe. International women's day celebrated every year but still women are not completely empowered in many developing countries.

Women empowerment refers generally to the expansion of freedom of choice and action to shape one’s life. It implies control over resources and decisions. An empowered woman will be one who is self confident, who seriously analyses her environment and who exercises control over decisions that affect her life Women empowerment is all about making them self-dependent on taking the decisions of life irrespective of the fear of the people and the society. In today’s time, the condition of the women is weakening day by day with less awareness paid to them. 

We live in a male oriented society where men govern women, just because they are assumed to be physically weaker. Most of the individuals don’t even difficulty to educate their daughters. The lives of Pakistani women have changed during the past 30 years and they are more empowered then they were ever before. More and more women are ingoing the workforce today as their choice, who made the first time at the work place and also made life easier for other women, them the encouragement to do so. But still women are facing many problems, discrimination and also harassment in work force. 

Unfortunately in some places of Pakistan people murder female infants, as their natural choice is to have boys in the families who would eventually become the bread earners. We as a nation need to put an end to this horrible fashion and broaden our vision to think women are as important as men. They are strong, powerful and have every right to step out of their house and live life on their own terms.

Unfortunately, women in developing countries like Pakistan are suppressed and considered lower in many regards. Conventional system hardly allows them to increase, fight and stand for their rights. Women empowerment calls for expected change in conventional system. The need of the hour is to give women with harassment-free workplaces and business environment that supports and welcomes them to improve their ability.

To promote the gender equality and women empowerment; to show up the importance of women representation and contribution in decision making; and to encourage the women towards public and private sector employment Also for the promotion and protection of women rights, to restore the personal security and dignity of women and to give them protection at workplace. Women friendly communications and  environment at workplace, awareness raising campaigns among citizens on gender and development.

All girls deserve good homes and education and a secure future is what we all desire for girls who are from small families and rural areas. They need to explore life, take a stand for themselves and live life to the fullest. I request to you an open mind while helping others because a single good deed of yours can bring a wide smile on someone’s face. Believe that all daughters are like candles they give you hope and happiness. With a little bit of encouragement and support women of Pakistan can do anything. 

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